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We offer an annual membership starting in August, however, families can opt to join at any time during the year at a prorated cost.


Our clubs are designed so that students can join any time of year and still benefit from club activities. As a member, you are able to access previous club activities via our virtual classrooms or pick up wherever we are in the club activity schedule—it’s up to you! 


We also offer classes on quarterly and semester based schedules with specialty workshops offered throughout the year. This scheduling method gives families the opportunity to participate in classes that meet consecutively or only once. You can choose how involved you’d like to be in the programs we offer.


To see our class descriptions, class costs as a member, and meeting times, click here. For more information on our student clubs, click here. 

Membership cost breakdown




Annual membership is PER CHILD and starts at $100 for children ages 5 and up and $37.50  for children 4 and under. We offer a sibling discount for each additional child:


2nd and 3rd child membership, you will receive 20% off. 4th child or more 50% off. This is not on your total bill but for the corresponding membership. 


**the additional child discounts do not apply to memberships for ages 4 and under.


Membership is prorated monthly starting from the month of September and reduces on the 15th of each month. 


For example: 


If Erica pays for membership on October 18th, membership fees would be reduced to reflect the remaining amount of months in the academic year. Her total cost for one membership would reduce from $100 to $83.34.


You can choose to pay for the entire year at once or pay over the course of membership every 4 months with a total of 3 payments. 


Payment is due with the membership/registration submission and you can choose your payment option at checkout.

**You can view the price comparison charts for clubs and classes as a member vs. non-member below**


membership price comparison charts





Simply click the button below to be directed to our current classes and clubs. Select the classes and clubs you would like and complete registration.


You can view the costs of student clubs and classes as a non-member below, at the top of this page, or by clicking here for classes and here for clubs.


Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.

IF YOU ARE A NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION, WHY DO YOU CHARGE FOR SERVICES LIKE CLASSES AND STUDENT CLUBS? Although we are a 501c3 non- profit organization, at this time, we charge a membership to help cover the costs of supplies and materials for the student clubs and classes we offer. In some cases, we have been able to secure funding through grants and fundraising—these contributions help us keep membership fees as low as possible without compromising the quality of the services and programs we provide.

HOW LONG HAS AKOMA CARES BEEN OPERATING? Akoma Cares was founded as a nonprofit organization in 2019, however, we began our service to the community as an online support group in 2018. Our Hybrid Learning Center was launched January 2023 as a way to provide consistent classes and opportunities for enrichment to the families we serve.

WHERE DOES AKOMA CARES OPERATE? Akoma Cares is located in the Irmo, SC area but operates across the Carolinas. We offer virtual classes with in-person classes primarily scheduled in the Columbia, SC area. Please visit our classes and clubs pages for more information.

WHAT IF I JOIN LATER IN THE YEAR AFTER THE FIRST FIXED PAYMENT SCHEDULE, WILL I STILL HAVE THE OPTION TO PAY IN THREE PAYMENTS OVER TIME? No, we have a fixed payment scheduled that breaks down to 3 payments based on a year long membership. Your first payment would be prorated to reflect the remaining months. Each payment after would remain on our fixed four month schedule.

IS MEMBERSHIP REFUNDABLE? No, not at this time. Membership fees are used primarily for the cost of supplies and material for classes and student clubs. Seeing that we are a grassroots nonprofit, providing refunds for membership isn’t something we can offer at this time.

WHY IS THERE A MEMBERSHIP FEE FOR CHILDREN 4 AND UNDER? Our Abrofa (little one) membership includes a wide range of activities for preschoolers to explore. You can learn more by visiting our classes and clubs pages. Additonally, younger siblings often accompany parents and their older siblings to club activities and classes. Charging membership for preschool aged children helps us cover the cost of activities to keep them engaged while big brother and/or big sister are participating. We like to make sure that there is something for everyone to experience, no matter the age.

ARE CLASSES DROP OFF OR DO I NEED TO STAY AND VOLUNTEER? Classes are drop off optional and parents do have the option to assist their child in class. However, we ask that parents refrain from sitting in classes as spectators. Volunteering is also optional as well. If you’re interested in volunteering, we can always use the help! Contact us here to learn more about volunteer opportunities.

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